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Some Thoughts: Journey In The Year 2024

Crazy how times flies.... For real, it feels so fast I learnt a lot, noticed a lot, and for most... I let loose a little bit more than last year... So.... I'm writing this, for the start for this posting, where I'm outside of my lil sis's new place. She's moved to new area... And I'm waiting here, while it's raining and people are going with Grab for New Year's Eve holiday or vacation... Writing this while standing up, front of guard's house... Well, my experience as blogger after years blogging. But this time rare one. I hardly get.... Maybe I'll do it again, next year? For sure. Anyway.... Back to the reality.... 2024.... A lot of great time. And for sure is, a lot of not so great ones... I still, dislike it although I know, that's what's and how's life is... But not only of the time I mean it, but for most, I caught up with moment where, for most- people. And what's it's giving me at the time, the moment.... The joy, the pain, ...
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