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Some Thoughts: Journey In The Year 2024

Crazy how times flies.... For real, it feels so fast I learnt a lot, noticed a lot, and for most... I let loose a little bit more than last year...

So.... I'm writing this, for the start for this posting, where I'm outside of my lil sis's new place. She's moved to new area... And I'm waiting here, while it's raining and people are going with Grab for New Year's Eve holiday or vacation...

Writing this while standing up, front of guard's house... Well, my experience as blogger after years blogging. But this time rare one. I hardly get.... Maybe I'll do it again, next year? For sure.

Anyway.... Back to the reality....


A lot of great time. And for sure is, a lot of not so great ones... I still, dislike it although I know, that's what's and how's life is... But not only of the time I mean it, but for most, I caught up with moment where, for most- people. And what's it's giving me at the time, the moment.... The joy, the pain, the dull, and sorts... Most, my time with people with new field, book publishing and vendor event community. I found and met new faces, new story, new things to learn... For most, I think I really like how they celebrate people around and the moment itself... It's just, beautiful..

My journey in 2024, I can say, it's crazy. That's all I can say by word..

I got commission for bestselling author by a well known publisher. For early this year. And still, I think I don't give my best for those illustrations I did but, I've been told readers grab them still. So, what's up with that? I think, well... It's great then? Don't know la... But it was crucial waiting to not announce it, I laughed to recall the whole process... Then, I went to PBAKL 2024, which was held at WTC, KL. Can't be sure still if it was my first time or my second time, but it was amazing to finally met people behind my phone and behind their account, which most I know from TwitSpace in 2021... See, crazy because how much time passed you by..(?). But PBAKL where I met many new people too, and with this, I think was one of the most memorable and most with beautiful beautiful moments, with most beautiful people... Before I slipped...

True. Up and down in life is just how it is... Just like our heart's beat on the monitor screen..

I enjoyed my time and moment this year. I can say, a lot more, compared to last year - 2023. In vendor event community, I met many and listened to small businesses owner's on how they started up, struggling in many sides, time, budget, energy, planning, and going out for booth spots in town such as KL... Yes, crazy. With my MICOLLIMADE, now already 2 years since I left it more than 10 years ago, renamed it, alhamdulillah so far... I'm not expecting at all, and through MICOLLI I learnt a lot about the field... Almost same with another 2 fields I dive-in, visual art scene and book publishing field - vendor or small business community a bit different in reality and in some ways. But it's giving me a mood, where I can chill and enjoy, sharing my handmade handcrafted accessories-jewelry I made, while having my drink and food. I think for this part in my life now, with MICOLLIMADE, it's been an okay feeling/energy...

Myself already being recognised as someone is artistic.

One time within 2024, while a medical staff check on me, he asked if it's my real name. I said yes and the answer he said "it's like someone who do art, artist, drawing like that". That was a big surprise to me.. Name, somehow, does reflect on us... And so I said, "yes, you're right, I'm an artist"..

And for it, on my artwork, 2024 was the painful and tough one... For commission, it was good.. But for daily studio work? Not so.. I learnt to be okay when come to down part in life, which I have a hard time to be open with. But 2024 where I can do it for certain matters or topics. And one of them is how I feel about my artwork... For it, I think, I did drawing, but most of times I just got no feeling for it... I don't know whether it was an art block or seasonal where I just not in mood for it.. But, I started drawing back again after I went to PBAKL 2024. But I stopped again... And repeated same pattern of it. But I did start new series, which very personal and yea, still ongoing. Many other series still ongoing, and I'm planning on finishing it all slowly and take time with them all.. Although some will take years to finish it. But I learnt, it's not to finish an illustration fast - but to enjoy the process, moment and every movement that I put for the work..

Other than that, I went to... Can say, many places. Some photos in my old phone, unfortunately, which was from January to early May... Then it broke so yea... Can't save it, but, I got myself new one. And it was good... New places involved new people and beautiful moments, that some became a lesson and some other became memories... These times too, involved something artistic too. From watching people playing musical instruments, to know a place specially for women, to an big expo for book-publishing fields, new hotel where I met and connect with people, to enjoy my date time with lil sister and learn a lot a and new things with her.. These all, just so beautiful... It's, crazy, still... It felt, so vivid... 

Else... I think, I got more time for myself together with MICOLLIMADE, and my lil sis - in matter of outing... Within, with my parents, together enjoy my first time ever, massage... It was great tho.. I just really need it. And I think I want to make it as monthly routine... Plus, I too can't deny the stress and pressure whilst working for MICOLLIMADE, was an enjoyable and fun but it all worth it at the end.. Crazy, is the word for 2024. Too, crazy....

Lots happening within the last month of 2024.. But it's not something I can put in writing..

Overall, 2024, have the moment. Best ones, not so best ones, and so... I learnt so much and a lot within the year.... And for most I can say, it changed me... In some ways. In a way I don't think I have words for it all... But, just crazy as it was... 2024... You're beautiful and... Well... Ugly? Not sure if it's the word...

While writing this, already February 2025.. I plan on to year's end and eve post, unfortunately, busy with this and that, I just can finish this post 1 month plus after entering new year... Aren't that funny? Guess February is the month of my 2025 posting...(!)


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