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Book: Overthinking Tapi Buat-buat OK By Aqila Masri

I finally finished reading "Overthinking Tapi Buat-buat OK" by Aqila Masri (Overthinking But Acted OK), published by IMAN Publication, last October.

And let's see what my thoughts on this one.

First of all, my view is just as from an artist, crafter and blogger, and as a reader...

When this book published, to be honest I got caught by the title. I didn't plan on to get it like seriously, because I have this feeling to put aside what I can relate to the title. The word - "overthinking"... But as time past, I started to have the image of this book in mind, and it's repeating. So I feel it and said, "I need to have it" with wondering what the topics will be within. It was more like a calling from the book I could say.

And early last month - September - I got it.

First of all, the cover illustration - pretty. I love how the choice of the style from the artist. The work is beautiful. And give the visual to what's the book about. At the same time given the point out that the book is not heavy.

During my time reading this book, it was tough for me in very gentle ways. 

This book, it's a very up-close to personal, and it's very eye opening for people who dealing and facing an overthinking. Almost every paragraph I can relate to, and agreed. This book, it's like an open letter to people, where for this modern time we tend to think double or triple to face what's in the future we don't know, yet.. Or see through it all, even for few seconds or minutes of what's forwards..

When I said "eye opening", it's not only for me, but I believe for anyone who read, or reading this one even though if the reader not struggling with overthinking. This book gives the glimpse into a life and a body work of the author. How the mind of an overthinker's works - in a way, some might think it's nothing but actually kind of pain for the person at one time when it happen. But the beauty or pros and cons in this book being explained is amazing... I like how author breakdown the beauty side of it, because in reality, most of people who deal with this, will likely feel bad - which is not.. Because it's not a made up thing/matter..

I like how author shows the self awareness, in details and in direct, and in simple words and ways. Make it easy for people to understand the story in whole.. My most take, I think while reading this, that it's the strength that the author have gather to be able to have this much of courage to put each word and details about her personal dealing with her own mind.. It's take time and years (I believe) to be this open and writes about thing that society take as "bad" or "terrible"..

Else, how this book let you know to acknowledge ourselves - point of self-love and self-care, while dealing with overthinking alone. True, it's on us, to improve, by any ways possible. And all the points author put, it's very warming..

I recommend this one, to people - be it you not struggling with overthinking - get it, so we know who's dealing with it while learning about ourselves... And because I too, deal and struggle still with this, that I can relate and how painful it is; and by learning about myself that I, now, can write this, openly, on my blog of one thing that I feel embarrassed sometimes.. Less nowadays, but I never mention my struggle except by writing my opinions on IG story for whole these years... And I thank you to the author, Aqilah Masri, to share your story, to me through this book... I feel less alone having this thing with me..

My rate, 9/10. And I want and hope people read this, because this is the real thing..  


  1. Im honoured! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this book! Glad to know we can walk together on this!

    1. You're welcome and thank you so much for this book! Hope this book meets those in need!


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