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Little Journey: 1st Of July

It's Thursday now. Considered it passed 12am, and it's 2am writing this.

Last Monday, date - 1st July 2024. Time flies so fast, and I'm not the only one that feel this. I believe many too. And I went with my parents for their meeting with their client, while I just needed to go along since I have small plan for myself. For books..

Woke up at 7am, I decided to go with one of my bawal, my headscarf - which I bought months ago.... Wear for the first time, in July. Not my first bawal, but for the design is.

Monday, who likes it, like. But some who don't, don't. I like all. Last Monday was still sleepy for me but I got my sleep for few hours. We headed straight to the meeting first thing first, which far from our home. That's why I woke up at 7am just to get ready for the day. I decided to follow because I needed to get few books after accidentally on something sooo just take it as my gift or reward to myself.

Meeting went like an hour, usually for this client. Then we had our lunch, since I'm worried we might caught in a traffic jam or something, on the way to where I'm planning on going.

After lunch, we had to the mall I'm planning on - Sunway Putra Mall, which was named The Mall. The Mall, I went many times with whole family when I was little. Mainly for office stuff such as computers and fax machines.

But few years back that only I know, it changed ownerships. And they developed it into shopping mall, with boutiques, brand clothing shops, music store, and restaurants, also few souvenir shop, or something more like figurines store...?

Figurines store....? They got Doraemon too.

Yea.. I'm on escalator and I feel like my phone is about to drop. I was shaking for this photo...

I went to 3rd floor. Then realized the escalator to 4th floor is another way around. I mean.. Like in the middle of the mall, crossed to the 4th floor.

The suits store is another, another one from Pangoi boutique. Which caught my eyes for it's traditional likes dress..

And they got music store. I would like to see a piano if I got time but unfortunately I was in hurry soooo yeaaa..

So, this is FIXI physical bookstore! Yayyy I finally made itttt

I went and hi to the salesgirl and man there. Just quick snapped for the inner part. It was my first time in to the store. Before that I just looked from afar.

In second photo of books is by friends of mine, Bakso 7 Kerdil by Jasad Bersiong (artistic name) and Komedi Orang Minyak by Farahin W.

I snapped 3 books by author Shih-Li Kow, cover artworks by me, snapped too ASRAMA Trilogy box set by Muhammad Fatrim and the AJAIB Universe by Syafiq Aizat, and last on the rack ASRAMA Trilogy by Muhammad Fatrim, new cover artworks by me - I still feel a bit hmm.. A bit frustrated with myself...

Okayyy so I got myself the GRAM Trilogy and latest one, ANGKASA by Syafiq Aizat. Got all 4 titles by Ariff Adly, and from other publisher, IMAN Publications for their Senyum Yang Tersembunyi by Melni and If You Only Remember by Norhafsah Hamid. 

I brought my FIXI's tote bags that I got from PBAKL recently, with vouchers that I got that day at the event. And I don't know whyyy they gave me another tote bag?? Like.. So sweet of you FIXI, thank you, I accept it. And I'm satisfied.

And once done, I headed down to the lobby, got in the car with my parents, and we headed home..

Really, I like this little outing to say, I spent my day with parents outside, enjoy talking and exchanging topics and opinions. Talking weird-funny things, and laughing. And for most, I take it this kind of time as for me to enjoy myself seeing the world.. Like, even just for awhile, or half day? Why not, right. And of course treated myself something, out of nowhere. I'm not regretting.


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