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Book: Ajaib By Syafiq Aizat

On Saturday's late evening, I just had this feeling on trying with new book. A novel.

I got it when I went to PBAKL 2024 on 1st June. Yea, early this month. But decided to start reading it last Saturday. This one comes in a box set - AJAIB Universe, by Buku FIXI, the publisher. With another 5 books, sequels to this one, Ajaib.

Before that, I'm an artist who's drawing, illustrate. Highlighting that all my comment on this book, novel just from a view of an artist, and a blogger, a reader - not from language field specifically. So my apologies if there's mess up with my English and the comment or review for this one..

AJAIB, the title. To me, at first, I got this vibes of not a horror or thriller on this. But more like "glittering-magical" kind of vibe. And I don't even know the author, until few days before I decided to go to PBAKL 2024, where he played with another FIXI's box set that I commissioned for the covers of another best selling author of FIXI. That was when I know the author, and he's an author for Buku FIXI, for the first time - Syafiq Aizat, or best known as Sapit. I prefer go with Syafiq.... Few minutes before his signing session for his fans, which amazed me to my bones like, "woah, this is your fans??", shocked me to say. I saw an opportunity to say "hi" to him. Yea.. That was it, but famous people, I stepped off to let him have his space. I decided to off for my meeting with my circle I called friends at another booth.

The rest, well, what a moment.

Had great time with him, randomly of course, and with the other authors that I did work together for their book covers, which I still feel... Small.. Oh, well..

I asked him while he at this one booth, dearly Tokosue. Asking him what his best books. He answered, "All of them is". I can't remember but I feels like "oh.. really.. (?)". I don't know why, but my original plans was I just wanted to get 2 of his books only, ENTITI and ANOMALI at first, but been suggested to get another one, which I went for KAMPUS. But with the offer and the author's 'suggestion', I ended up with the box set - all 6 books. The AJAIB Universe.. So.. Let's. This maybe long, but see what about this book and story, but first, the cover. As I reading, I realized, it's the only that has stars and it's, where I can say my favourite, because I like stars. Love them. With it sequels, I noticed that it a concept of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" - and as for AJAIB, it's the "see no evil". What a nice choice, Syafiq.. Pretty, cool cover you did. Psst, he's an artist too..

I'm breaking this with the title, AJAIB. In word and English, I think for most people, fans will go with "magical". True is, but as for myself, I go with "miracle".. These type of words somehow is fascinating ones. As someone who name's meaning is "gift", "gifted", "award", "blessings", or "grace", these words is also closed to spiritual kind of vibe and energy, isn't it...? I think so.. As it's surprisingly to me, that this is what this book is all about. Amazingly surprised...

Opening just straight forward, and I remember laughing when I saw the word "bengong" - from the sentences from the beginning of the story. Really is, this book makes me laugh randomly and giggle at the same times, while some part does makes me feel the gloomy, dark kind of feelings with the main character ability or "gift" that in this story, becomes the reason the character can connect with people around. What I'm trying to say is, as my reading progress, I started to realized, that not only the main character has a gift, but he himself is the gift. To his friends - who's each one of them with their own struggles and the main character be there for them, while dealings with his ability by himself at such a young age. For the character of his friends, the author give each of one them a tough cases. Where the pinpoints is what these teenagers have to deal with in the matter of the absence of their adults, such as their parents or family relatives, caught up with strangers, exposure to adult's matters, and what's the results from all their struggles impact on them as students and children.

To me, this is the fastest book that I have read, with 200 plus pages, from FIXI. As slow reader, I got 65 pages on the first day.. I was like, what the..? Usually I'll get like 20 plus pages.. But most to highlight, less than 30 pages and each page, the author managed to give a reality points and checks, in the form of dialogue. I found this part so beautiful.. Where the dialogue carried the lifely meaning in little things that happens in ourselves, our life, to relate I mean it, such as - pray (in point of view as a Muslim, but non-Muslim too), putting efforts, and tawakal, verses from Quran, story of Prophets, God's laws, and back to Him when you fall in a moment.. Also be grateful for what you have in front of you.. Others like, accepting what you can't control, and letting go for things you can't have.. Some other, how author highlights issues, that happens in society, that still comes with stigma and face by each one of us, example - mental and emotional health issues, bully, suicidal, and loneliness, relationship, bond, tolerance, cooperation, and friendship. Actions and consequences on choosing a path. Also, about adults for being a supporter in creating safe space for teenagers such as teachers in this story, and father figure plays a big role in a family. And what's good about this, it's in a form of dialogue, which it's like a stimulation for readers to be in all characters' shoes, and automatically give the readers space to understand the situation in the story and even in reality.

True that, there's horror part. Such as when author put details on how a ghost looks like. One part, I think I would like to give a draw...? Is it a good.. Idea...? Or it's not.... ? I think I'll do it soon.. Although this part has it scenes time to time, it's not what the storytelling is about (?). Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I read more, it's clear to me that this book and story is about a miracle, that happens in softest way, with His Power (God's Power), with His Will, and as the main character's development and growth can be seen. From quiet, to want to know, to want to understand, to want to ask, to want to able to be open and honest of his truth, to want to give his best for his friends, and to want to be seen - through him, his friends developed self understanding, self acknowledgement, self growth, love and care, together with him. A boy with a gift, but he himself is a gift to others.. This book, this story, is well written..

Some part, in breaking some of the characters, I think I will do it on my IG story (@/anugerah_gee), which is deep that I don't think I can drop all in here.. But overall, when I'm almost at the end of this book, I have few questions playing in my mind.. "Why this book AJAIB not in my hand earlier..?", "Why I don't know about this book 11 years ago?" - these questions wandering around last night. Finished at 4.45am, Wednesday. I had my time holding this one and asked those to myself.. But then, I think.. If 11 years ago, this book in my hand, I wouldn't understand much. Be it the storytelling , the meanings, the messages, the issues, just what about the book and story that the author wants to tell.. I won't understand any, maybe.. Published in 2013, the year I decided to become a full time visual artist, with all experience I've been through (those who knows what), until last year when I decided to stepped off from visual art scene, until this year's some unexpected experience with meetings people and opportunities (started last mid year) - I think this book is a miracle one to me. And to the author's fans. Maybe, each one of us is a miracle in someone's life. Including, the author himself.. Can be a miracle and a gift to you, him, or her.

Maybe it's true.. Without the dark, we can't see the light..

If I not learn to accept and let go last year, I don't think I'll be knowing this book.. It does give me this little bit of overwhelming kind of feeling, with little bit of warmth within.. I don't know the exact word to describe, but I think I fall for this book.. Like, a strange one, kind of fall for..

Well done to the author for this one (of course la!). My rate, 9/10.


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