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Showing posts from May, 2024

Artwork: Square Sketchbook

This morning I officially use my new sketchbook. New, as I bought it earlier this month and not use it, until this morning. Officially use it finallyyy I decided to use this for my Dark Figurative artwork, which a sketch of my expression of my feelings in the moment. This sketch I usually sketch out in size of square. And mixed with abstract (I was an abstract artist before switching to details).  I tend to have this 'too careful' even when comes to sketch out whatever I do feel like. I feel like it's my biggest challenge when come to myself as an artist, and maybe it's related to my personal daily life.. But today's sketch starts like that, but I tried to let it go and just go with whatever I feel like. With my mug of Milo, my favourite drink, using ballpen, this sketchbook finally set it purpose.

Some Thoughts: Morning Lately

Wake up early is good, I'm not denying a bit. With the sunlight and and cool air, I feel calm in every way. These past few months and weeks, I realised that I've been trying to focus on myself. Else than enjoying my latest commission artworks for a best selling author (I'll share about it upcoming), I too enjo my time with my mom who loves dramas, gaming, and cooking. For most I think I enjoy my time watching movies, back and forth gaming The Last Of Us Part 1 and Part 2. Feel good beat up some zombies with their weapons choice. Morning wakes up does gives me some kind of feelings.. Where I feels more to my mind. And so do my my body. Mood? Cool like that. My routine every time I get up, definitely my favourite drink, Milo. With 2 plain crackers. Around 12 to 1pm where I usually plan for cooking, which these days just simple one. Even tofu can be the protein source of dish. Like I said.. On my IG story and on WP blog, I want a balance life - between whatever I have to deal

Artwork: One Year After

A year ago, on April , I had this thought and feeling on matter where I am as an artist, in visual art scene/field. And I think now, I'm grateful for the decision I made. While wondering should I step off from visual art scene, and carry on with my own - without realised I'm allowing myself to experience new things, new stuff out of my thing - art. On June, I decided as I'm learning to accept and letting go, that maybe visual art scene was just not my place.. I love art, and in matter of love it, I mean the process of making and the feeling that I got when working on a piece of drawing or illustration, sometimes sketching. But I just need to go along with the reality of life and my reality on my daily basis.. It was a tough decision for myself, as an artist, as myself who loves art, drawing since little.. But after almost 10 years, I just feel like, it's time. And I was so okay at the time as recall it now. The feelings that I got was, a reliefs. I felt thing just final

Some Thoughts: Early Sleepy

Lots of things this past week. In reality of life, and in mind. Snapped this at after noon, front house. I've been feeling back and forth, on matter of my feelings. And probably state of my mind. I don't open much mentally and emotionally online. In my WP blog or even with IG story where I feel most comfortable with. I guess I'm not vulnerable online like many people can. Even if I do, I don't write about it detail like specifically detail of the details. Weird why I'm like this, but I think it's psychological so.. yea.. I still can't, I guess.. But I think I will, and will be there in any days near time. It's midnight currently. Past 2.30am.. So sleepy lately and it's really early sleepy which I hardly can, but maybe because I'm physically tired with routine and such.. Oh well.. And I'm thinking what to cook tomorrow? Also, still waiting to get a connector USB type C.....? So I can use my physical keyboard to blog and whatever..

Cooking: Comfort Dishes

I think I write here for the time being. Where blogging become my things.. Lately I've been feeling like cooking. And cooking whatever I feel like it, simple dishes and as long it's taste good. I cook vegetables more these days. I wonder why myself somehow. Like, what's going on? In fact that I love pastry and can have a pound cake for myself? It's crazy.. I was. Had frequent of pastry and and cake, just like a need for me.. But a year plus now, my eating habits changed. I think I did it accidentally? With my daily schedule, every day, I tend to plan or think what to cook. For most for lunch. And what dish that can save my time. I blog here back again. Thinking it's actually first platform and where I started like to blog. But I accidentally deleted the first one.. Which I got regretted later. But while having this wonder which platform, I just want to write. And what I cooked today for lunch. Old pan, I cooked cucumber, made it a bit soupy. And another small pot of

Some Thoughts: Which Blog?

Currently struggling between here or WP blog.. It's because WP blog which I started near end of November 2019, getting lack of traffic, and I have to promote the link almost every time. Posting on my IG story, LinkedIn, or Twitter.. It's getting to 0 if I'm not promoting a post, after writing.. It's kind of frustrating since I moved to WP as I thought well, Blogspot dropping off after Google+ was down.. Found WP, and traffic was good at until they changed things with Jetpack in early 2023.. I think I'm really want to share what I'm writing...? So... What actually with me? I started to feel frustrated with all this algorithm things. Feel like we as user nowadays have to do double, which, aren't technology and social media is to make things easier? Like... Now users need to do more, than before. It's not supposed to be this way as we getting advanced in technology.. I think it supposed to be like before all of this algorithm things, where we have to do vid