So, almost two weeks ago I went to Pulau Pinang.
As I need to deliver my work, of course. For a show. So, I said it here have nothing to do with my artworks, but it's not that I really want to put out about it all the way. But it's about clouds that scattered throughout crossing Pulau Pinang's signature bridge.
Every time crossing the bridge, you'll see the a bit part of water, which connect with, as we know, ocean. So, I managed to took this photo. Reason?. The clouds. Clouds have always give me some feeling - like stand alone in an open vast of land, with beautiful memories, moments, and events that comes within, while standing on the way of soft, cool breeze of wind - that's kind of vibes of the feeling..
It was sunny day, so, why not?. Alhamdulillah, safely delivered the work, and me and my family enjoy our cousin's fried chicken at Ayer Itam.
And back on my desk, focus on my latest work, which still in progress!. Can't wait to finish it, of course right.
As I need to deliver my work, of course. For a show. So, I said it here have nothing to do with my artworks, but it's not that I really want to put out about it all the way. But it's about clouds that scattered throughout crossing Pulau Pinang's signature bridge.
Every time crossing the bridge, you'll see the a bit part of water, which connect with, as we know, ocean. So, I managed to took this photo. Reason?. The clouds. Clouds have always give me some feeling - like stand alone in an open vast of land, with beautiful memories, moments, and events that comes within, while standing on the way of soft, cool breeze of wind - that's kind of vibes of the feeling..
It was sunny day, so, why not?. Alhamdulillah, safely delivered the work, and me and my family enjoy our cousin's fried chicken at Ayer Itam.
And back on my desk, focus on my latest work, which still in progress!. Can't wait to finish it, of course right.
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